“Retex būve” is 100% subsidiary business of the construction company “Re & Re”. “Retex būve” is the developer and owner of the office and warehouse centre “Baltais vējš”. The company provides renting and management in the office centre. A part of the centre premises is also occupied by “Re & Re”offices.
We believe that customers should be attracted and convinced by deeds, not words. "Retex būve" and "Re & Re" teams have worked hard to build office and warehouse centre "Baltais vējš". Every minute dedicated to the development of the project was worth it - the whole team is really proud of their achievement.
The office and warehouse centre "Baltais vējš" was initially built for our companies needs, but during the planning and construction process, we already knew that we were going to rent a part of the offices to other companies. That is why office and warehouse centre "Baltais vējš" became the project to represent "Re & Re" company quality of performance. The feedback from our customers, and also the first prize in architecture for the best new public building in 2005, clearly indicate that our goal was achieved.