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Gertrudes 23


Ģertrūdes 23, Rīga Street,

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In explotation from: 2013. year
Object is updated: 29.12.2024
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Gertrudes 23
REALAT mājokļi
(+371) 29544352


The project involves the famous Riga architect E.Laube national romanticism style created by group of buildings. Building complex built in 1909 and is a monument of architecture.

Building complex reconstruction project involves the following tasks:

-the wooden hood replacement with concrete floors

-installation of new lifts

-autonomous gas heating nodes in the entire building complex with individual heat meters for each apartment

-all utilities replacement

-window replacement

-building complex façade restoration.


19. and the turn of the 20th century eclectic style is replaced by the new style in art and architecture, the first of which became Modern, named in honor of the Paris Gallery "La Maison Moderne" (modern Name). Modern style architecture was characterised by a quest to create aesthetically beautiful and functional buildings. Great attention was paid not only to the external appearance of buildings, but also in the Interior, which was designed for a very thoughtful and thorough. All constructive elements of the building, stairs, doors, pillars, balconies, had an artistic form and processing. The Modern style of philosophy became the main slogan, "art, as a way of life" or "art as life style".

Modern style create objects yourself combines both art and utilitarian functions, engaging in the art world the scope of all mankind. In other countries the modern style has many synonyms: USA-"tiffany" (in honor of Tiffany "Co.), France –" Art Nouveau "and" fin de siècl "(literally:" the end of the century "), Germany –" Jugendstil "(After 1896 founded the illustrated journal" Die Jugend ", art nouveau), Austria –" Secessionsstil ", UK –" modern style ".

at the beginning of the 20th century national Romanticism style is manifested as response on Art Nouveau architecture in Riga and the manifestations are organically connected with Art Nouveau, which was characterized by abandonment of all the old, uncomfortable and just a whole new, practical recognition. Therefore already in 1905 in Riga has emerged in a new style of the first samples of e. Laub design works. The new-style buildings were characterised by the following features: naturally occurring materials in a building facade decor (scratchy, scratchy plaster rock, etc.), wooden elements, the ethnic pattern.

The new style accentuated vertical lines-Bay, some for ornament, vertically stretched towers. Latvian romanticism city high-rise House architecture became the financial well-being of the new bourgeoisie. It can be argued that this style that evolved into the national ethnographic soil, served in the house owners and commercial interests of economic operators, since clearly demonstrated this style of building owners in the stable level of welfare

The lift
Underground parking
Ground parking
Full finish
Partial finish
White finish
Without finishing
Built-in kitchen
No furniture
Built-in wardrobes
Wardrobe room
Gas heating
Adjustable heating
Security guards
Two levels

Apartments in project

Līdzīgi īpašumi nav atrasti.
Number of rooms Area Floor Balcony Price Price per m2 Object ID Status