Agent Anda is responsive, helpful, honest, and patient, which are highly valued qualities in this profession. Therefore, I can say that she is in her right place and performs her job professionally. I had to… Read more
Dita Kokčere
From the very first meeting, Laima made a positive impression. She is definitely an expert in her field and can assist with all matters related to the buying and selling process. I definitely recommend others… Read more
Kristīne Jermoloviča
PALDIES Līgai Upītei! Paldies par jaunā īpašnieka atrašanu mūsu mīļajām mājām. Paldies par cilvēcīgo un jauko attieksmi, par darbu "ārpus darba laika un bez brīvdienām". Dārta Nīmane Read more