Very responsive and helpful, both as a person and as a professional in his field. Particular attention is paid to customer requirements and expectations. Ensures and guarantees a successful transaction. An agent you can definitely… Read more
He is professional and knowledgeable, positive, accurate and quick to resolve. Thanks to Sandis, I made a much better deal than I would with regular ad services. Thank you for your cooperation! Sincerely, Oskars Briksis Read more
Oskars Briksis
Sandis Girs ir darījumu un biznesa cilvēks ar dvēseli un sirdi šī kombinācija ir lieliska šajā profesijā, jo viņš skatās uz katru klientu ar daudz dziļāku izpranti un redz vīziju par katru klientu perfekti! Vismaz… Read more