Agent Anda is responsive, helpful, honest, and patient, which are highly valued qualities in this profession. Therefore, I can say that she is in her right place and performs her job professionally. I had to… Read more
Dita Kokčere
Labdien! Vēlos izteikt vislielāko pateicību Laurim par augsto profesionalitāti un sadarbību dzīvokļa iegādē. Sākotnēji mans nodoms bija visu darīt saviem spēkiem,taču ātri vien sapratu,ka tik vienkārši tas nu gan nebūs... Savu darbu viņš dara ar… Read more
Inga Sujete
Julija was a pleasure to work with. Very punctual, and is able to effectively communicate with local and international clients. Read more