Labdien! Pateicos REALAT māklerei par palīdzību dzīvokļa pārdošanā. Tas ietaupīja manu laiku un atbrīvoja no liekiem uztraukumiem (dokumentu pareiza sagatavošana, juridiskie jautājumi), jo zināju, ka esmu uzticējusies zinošam speciālistam. Darbs ar klientiem nav viegls, bet… Read more
Anastasija Stokmane
Thanks for the work, Liga Upīte, who did a great job, everything went very fast, communication at the highest level, that we received qualified answers in Latvian, Russian and English and for any questions we… Read more
Max Arhipov
Agent Anda is responsive, helpful, honest, and patient, which are highly valued qualities in this profession. Therefore, I can say that she is in her right place and performs her job professionally. I had to… Read more