Very responsive and helpful, both as a person and as a professional in his field. Particular attention is paid to customer requirements and expectations. Ensures and guarantees a successful transaction. An agent you can definitely… Read more
Elvis helped me when, honestly, almost no one was willing to help. I had a tight budget, 2 dogs, very little time, and lots of expectations. Not only Elvis helped me to find an AMAZING… Read more
Mei-li Llorente
Mākleris Lauris ir atsaucīgs, izpalīdzīgs, godīgs un pacietīgs, kas šajā darbā ir ļoti augsti vērtējamas īpašības, tāpēc varu teikt, ka viņš ir savā īstajā vietā un savu darbu dara lieliski. Tā kā man nav liela… Read more