I was completely convinced that I wouldn't use a realtor's services. When I posted the ad myself, several realtors called me, and all of them were so pushy that it became absolutely clear I would… Read more
Uģis Zēģelis
Labdien! Vēlos izteikt vislielāko pateicību Laurim par augsto profesionalitāti un sadarbību dzīvokļa iegādē. Sākotnēji mans nodoms bija visu darīt saviem spēkiem,taču ātri vien sapratu,ka tik vienkārši tas nu gan nebūs... Savu darbu viņš dara ar… Read more
Inga Sujete
Elvis helped me when, honestly, almost no one was willing to help. I had a tight budget, 2 dogs, very little time, and lots of expectations. Not only Elvis helped me to find an AMAZING… Read more