Mākleris Lauris ir atsaucīgs, izpalīdzīgs, godīgs un pacietīgs, kas šajā darbā ir ļoti augsti vērtējamas īpašības, tāpēc varu teikt, ka viņš ir savā īstajā vietā un savu darbu dara lieliski. Tā kā man nav liela… Read more
Vita Kočkere
Many thanks to Laima Nandi for helping me get all my "paperwork" done quickly and expeditiously when purchasing a condo. Due to limited time, without Lima's help and understanding we would not be able to… Read more
Inguna Inga
Well done job! We had a difficult task, and not so much time but Liga managed to find totally perfect place! Thanks a lot, and highly recommend! Read more