Ivars, thank you very much for your help in finding premises for our business! Thanks to your activity, willingness to always help and understanding the needs of the client, we were able to choose exactly… Read more
Sergey Kamenskiy
Labdien! Vēlos izteikt vislielāko pateicību Laurim par augsto profesionalitāti un sadarbību dzīvokļa iegādē. Sākotnēji mans nodoms bija visu darīt saviem spēkiem,taču ātri vien sapratu,ka tik vienkārši tas nu gan nebūs... Savu darbu viņš dara ar… Read more
Inga Sujete
Very responsive and helpful, both as a person and as a professional in his field. Particular attention is paid to customer requirements and expectations. Ensures and guarantees a successful transaction. An agent you can definitely… Read more