We bought our first home, an apartment in the center, where we had a lot of requirements that this home had to meet and what we expected from the person we were doing with it.… Read more
Annemari Sperlina
Thanks for the work, Liga Upīte, who did a great job, everything went very fast, communication at the highest level, that we received qualified answers in Latvian, Russian and English and for any questions we… Read more
Max Arhipov
Ar Sandi bija ļoti patīkami un viegli sadarboties. Vienmēr solīds, vienmēr laikā un pat laicīgāk kā laikā! Zinošs par tirgu un labprāt dalījās ar sev zināmiem faktiem un novērojumiem! - Ar cieņu, Ieva Read more